Hold the phone. Drop the Box. The Datto Drive is incredible

Picture of Tracy Rock

Tracy Rock

Director of Marketing @ Invenio IT



Sign up for the the Datto Drive, claim your free TB of data and party like it’s Cinco de Mayo!

In case you haven’t heard the news, Datto has turned the file sync and share market on its head–and without any tequila. Launched just this week, the Datto Drive is a secure file syncing and sharing tool made with the small business in mind. It combines the ease of use of a consumer sharing tool, with the robustness of tracking, auditing, versioning and accessibility controls of an enterprise solution. Now, you may be wondering what’s so special about this Datto Drive when file sync and share options like Dropbox already exist?

It is quite simple. the Datto Drive is made for business–businesses, just like yours. Dropbox, on the other hand, was developed as a consumer solution that evolved into a business solution. However, since they charge a fee per user for the enterprise version, the majority of users still utilize the “free” version to manage cost. While $15 a month may sound insignificant, it can add up quickly. For example, a small marketing firm with 15 people would be spending close to $3,000 a year to store its client data.  And, while the price of a secure sync and share system certainly outweighs the cost of downtime due to lost data, many businesses choose to roll the dice.

That said, the Datto Drive provides an alternative. It is designed for businesses that need a secure, feature-rich solution at an affordable cost. As part of the launch, Datto is offering the first MILLION businesses that sign up one FREE TB of storage free for one year. And, after that, it is only $10 a month for unlimited users.

So, just how much is 1TB? 1TB equals roughly 1,000,000 MB or 1,000 GB. That amounts to 17,000 hours of music, 40 days of video, 500,000+ photos or 500 hours of movies. Now, that’s a lot of data!

What are you waiting for? Sign your business up for the Datto Drive today, claim your 1 TB of free storage and celebrate with a margarita!



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