Don’t make critical errors when using ownCloud with Datto SIRIS


ownCloud with Datto SIRIS. Learn everything you need to know.

This article describes the procedure to install and configure ownCloud with Datto SIRIS or Virtual SIRIS.


  • Prerequisites
  • Installing ownCloud with Datto SIRIS
  • Configuring ownCloud with Datto SIRIS
  • Recovering ownCloud Files with Datto SIRIS
  • ownCloud Limitations


ownCloud is an enterprise file sync and share utility. Files are shared and made accessible from a variety of devices, but files are hosted on a SIRIS, rather than in a third-party cloud. As of June 16, 2015, ownCloud 7.0 Enterprise Edition is included on all SIRIS devices. For more information about ownCloud on SIRIS, see the ownCloud on SIRIS FAQ 


In order to run ownCloud, the SIRIS must be running Ubuntu 12.04. If your SIRIS is not yet on this platform, you will need to initiate this Linux update before you can install ownCloud.

Installing ownCloud with Datto SIRIS

To install ownCloud on SIRIS, follow these steps:

Log into the Web UI for the SIRIS. Go into the Configure menu, and choose Device Settings.

In the upper-left corner of the window, you will see a section called Install ownCloud.

NOTE: If you see an Upgrade Device button, then you need to run the Datto SIRIS Linux upgrade before you continue with the ownCloud installation.

Click the Install ownCloud button, as shown in Figure 1.

1- install ownCloud
Figure 1 – Install ownCloud

The next dialog box is a notice that your SIRIS will automatically reboot after the install process, as shown in Figure 2. Click the Install button.

reboot notice
Figure 2 – ownCloud Reboot Notice

Once the installation process is done, you will see a message that the device will reboot, as shown in Figure 3. You can click the Close button.

update complete
Figure 3 – Update Complete

After a few minutes, refresh the page, and you will see the Configure ownCloud section in the upper left corner. See Figure 4.

configure owncloud
Figure 4 – Configure ownCloud

5. Configuring ownCloud with Datto SIRIS

There are two options that you can configure in ownCloud on SIRIS: internet availability and managing users.

5.1. Internet Availability

Turn on internet availability to allow users to access ownCloud on the SIRIS outside of its LAN.

You will see the dialog box as shown in Figure 5. Read the warning to understand that your ownCloud will be accessible from the internet.

enable web
Figure 5 – Enable Public Web Address

Click Enable public web address to continue the process.

After a few minutes, you will see that your ownCloud is accessible from the web address as shown in Figure 6.

internet available
Figure 6 – Internet Enabled

If you would like to use your own domain in place of the address, add a CNAME entry to your domain’s DNS settings, and enter your alias in the Domain Alias box as shown in Figure 6. Then, click Apply.

5.2. Managing Users

There are two ways to add users to your ownCloud on SIRIS. You can add them as users of the SIRIS, or you can add them directly to ownCloud. This procedure guides you to create them on the SIRIS. To add users directly to ownCloud (and not on the SIRIS), follow ownCloud’s documentation on the subject.

If you create users with the same name in both places, you will get an error message indicating the conflict.

To manage your ownCloud users from the SIRIS, click the link for Local Users, as shown in Figure 5. This brings you to the Configure > Local Users/Contact page. See Figure 7.

manage users
Figure 7 – Local Users

To add a user to ownCloud on SIRIS, fill in the field in the Add a New Account section. Then, click Create Account.

By default, ownCloud is set to Off for new users. To enable ownCloud for the user, click the ownCloud Off button, as highlighted in Figure 7.

You will then see a link Click to ENABLE ownCloud for test. Click that link.

NOTE: The ownCloud On/Off button is the only button in this screen that controls ownCloud. The other buttons are to configure the user’s access to the SIRIS itself.

6. Recovering ownCloud Files with Datto SIRIS

The SIRIS backs up your ownCloud files to the Datto Cloud in the same way that it backs up NAS shares. Therefore, you can recover these files in the same way. See the article Cloud File Restore for the procedure.

7. ownCloud / ownCloud with Datto SIRIS Limitations

Here is a list of ownCloud’s known limitations that may be of interest to our Partners:

  • Using the ownCloud desktop client, you cannot sync files that are larger than 2G.
  • Using the ownCloud web client, you cannot sync files that are larger than 512M.
  • Avoid deleting large file trees, as it may cause issues with the clients.
  • Avoid using the “Enforce HTTPS” feature, as it is not supported on the SIRIS.
  • ownCloud on SIRIS does not support sharing through WebDAV.
  • The ownCloud File Firewall app requires creating rules with JSON scripting. Datto Technical Support cannot help you with this.

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