11 steps to exchange mailbox and message level restore for Datto SIRIS


Learn how to do an Exchange mailbox and message level restore on Datto SIRIS, today.

Exchange Mailbox and Message Level Restore made easy with the Datto SIRIS. It helps administrators manage an organization’s email challenges by making email recovery a fast, easy process.  Recover lost, deleted emails and mailboxes without running your Exchange server. Use any previous backup to easily restore individual mailbox items directly to your production server or PST file. Whether you need to recover a single, specific email message, perform a mailbox recovery, Datto SIRIS is up to the task.

A common request for IT administrators is to find deleted messages or folders. Perhaps a key manager has left your company and you are asked to recover Exchange messages related to a specific customer. Datto SIRIS allows you to set highly targeted search criteria for the messages you want to retrieve, minimizing the amount of time needed to open and read irrelevant messages.

The purpose for this help article is to provide the path for Installation and use of Kroll Ontrack PowerControl to perform Exchange Restorations for Datto SIRIS devices. The Kroll Ontrack PowerControl for Exchange licenses bundled in the Datto SIRIS are for Exchange Databases.

Obtaining Kroll License: This is available by clicking on the “Access Kroll License” Admin tab of the SIRIS web console

Install Ontrack PowerControls: Install and configure Outlook as described in Configuring Microsoft Office Outlook Turn off any disk utility or antivirus program running in the background. Run PC614_Universal.exe which can be downloaded here. Select Install Ontrack Power Controls to start the installation process.

Performing Exchange Message Level or Mailbox Level Restoration

Mount Recovery Point on the local Datto SIRIS Web Interface

1. Click on Access recovery points

2. Perform File Restore for the recovery point which the Exchange Restoration is needed from.

3. Browse the SMB share path for the mounted recovery point as displayed on the screen.

4. Navigate all the way to your EDB file’s location in this mounted recovery point’s SMB share, note this path as it will be used in the next section.

Configuring the Kroll OnTrack Data Wizard

1.  Launch Ontrack PowerControls for Exchange

2.  On the first screen click the Next button.

3.  Click the Browse button located to the right of the “Source File” dropdown box.

4.  Browse to the .edb file located in the shared directory on the Datto for the recovery point which was mounted and click Open.

5.  Click Next on the Data Wizard once all three dropdown boxes auto populate.

6.  Select Radio Button “PST File” 7.  Enter in the path in which the PST file should be exported to and click Next.

7.  Please wait a few moments and then click Finish

8.  With the Exchange Database now available select the mail box and export by pressing CTRL+P or right clicking and selecting Export…

9.  The Export Mailbox Window will allow for a specific Message or the entire Mailbox to be Exported.  For specific messages select MSG, for the entire Mailbox select PST.

1o.  Then select the destination path for the MSG or PST file to be exported to and click Export.

11.  When the Export Completes click the Close button

The MSG or PST file exported may now be opened with any version (after 2000) of Microsoft Office Outlook.

And, there you have it. You know how to do an Exchange mailbox and message level restore on the Datto SIRIS. Have any more questions, let us know and we’ll have one of our Datto-certified technicians help you out.

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